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Eco-responsible practices guide for SME in Plateau-Mont-Royal

Eco-responsible practices guide for SME in Plateau-Mont-Royal

Concerned with the environmental issues and aware of the urgence to act for a healthier urban environment, the SDC of boulevard Saint-Laurent worked hand in hand with the SDAMR and the SDC of Saint-Denis street to launch a guide of eco-responsible practices for SME in Plateau-Mont-Royal. This practical guide, addressed to the 1,300 businesses that are members of the three SDC of Plateau Mont-Royal, was thought and designed taking into account the day to day reality of local business, in a living environment at human scale.

Practical tools

The aim of the Guide is to support companies in their transition, to facilitate the implementation of eco-responsible practices and to improve the measures already in place.

The information contained in the Guide is organized according to a 5R hierarchy, which aims to optimize resource management. It is about rethinking our practices by questioning our habits and processes; reduce at the source, that is to say avoid generating residual materials by limiting the unnecessary production of goods; reuse, therefore reuse or find other uses for these goods; recycling, which means, of course, reintroducing the resource as a replacement for virgin material in the manufacture of a new product; and finally, revalorize by highlighting a material, for example the composting of organic matter.


Discover the guide by clicking on the image below
available in french only




















Engaged actors 

In 2019, the SDC du boulevard Saint-Laurent joined the SDAMR Ecological Transition Initiative Committee with local actors, all motivated to make a difference and support merchants in the implementation of eco-responsible best practices within their business. The publication of the Guide is made possible thanks to arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal, Concertation Montréal, la Caisse Desjardins du Plateau-Mont-Royal et Ruba Ghazal, députée de Mercier.

The SDBSL congratulates all businesses and individuals who are committed to reducing their footprinTs. Thanks to your collaboration, the three SDCs will publish a series of content that encourages the implementation of eco-responsible practices through various companies and at different stages of production.

The guide is available from now at :


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