PME MTL Centre-Ville, in collaboration with the SDBSL, is launching the call for Je choisis le boulevard Saint-Laurent. This call for projects aims to revitalize the artery between Sherbrooke Street and Laurier Avenue by stimulating the arrival of new businesses and the diversification of existing ones.
The call for projects targets business entrepreneurship projects who stand out with their distinctive and innovative products and services. They must meet the needs of the neighborhood, Montrealers and tourists alike. In addition, projects must respect the authenticity, creativity and diversity of the artery, all which are important characteristics for the image of Saint-Laurent Boulevard.
Registration period
From January 16th to March 31st, 2024
Key dates
– January 16th, 2024: Launch of the call for projects and start of registration period
– February 7th, 2024: Information session in French
– February 9th, 2024: Information session in English
– March 31st, 2024: End of application period
– May-June 2024: Application evaluation committee
– June 26th, 2024: Laureates photos taken with an elected official (laureate must be present)
– July 3th, 2024: Announcement of laureates
Several grants on offer
This call for projects features several grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000, for a total of $75,000*.
PME MTL Centre-Ville and the SDBSL will provide support to all applicants.
*PME MTL Centre-Ville reserves the right not to pay out the full amount of the bursaries if the business projects submitted do not meet all the eligibility criteria of the call for projects.
Saint-Laurent Boulevard, the Main
A central street in Montreal, Saint-Laurent Boulevard is recognized as a national historic site by the Government of Canada, due to its nature “evoking the founding and development of cultural communities.”
Located in the Plateau-Mont-Royal, the heart of Saint-Laurent boulevard offers quick access to metro, bus and BIXI stations. Day or night, Saint-Laurent Boulevard breathes and sweats life. Here, all styles are mixed and all generations come together.
Every summer, the boulevard opens up to pedestrians for the BLVD festival and the world-renowned urban art festival, MURAL. This not-to-be-missed destination generated an average of 7.15 million footfall in 2023. Its neighborhood life makes Saint-Laurent Boulevard a unique place for sharing, discovering and creating.
The SDBSL has a catalog of available locals between Sherbrooke Street and Laurier Avenue. For more information, contact the SDBSL by email at or by phone +1514 286-0334.

Eligibility requirements
– Canadian citizen or permanent resident
– Be incorporated as a company, cooperative or non-profit organization (NPO)
– Make a minimum investment of $25,000; the grant may not exceed 25% of the project’s value
– Provide a downpayment equivalent to 20% of the project’s financial package; the downpayment cannot be less than $5,000
– Apply for a location within the territory targeted by the call for projects, i.e., on Saint-Laurent Boulevard between Sherbrooke Street and Laurier Avenue.
– Demonstrate the financial viability of the project by providing forecasts for two fiscal years.
– Aim to create at least one full-time job or equivalent in the first year of operation
– Present a strategic approach to sustainable development, if applicable
– Propose regular opening hours for the type of establishment envisaged
– Submit all required documents no later than March 31st, 2024
– Agree, where applicable, to meet with the jury and participate in call for projects activities, including the official photo shoot on June 26th, 2024
Evaluation of entries
Winners will be selected by a jury made up of SDBSL, PME MTL Centre-Ville, an economic development representative from the Plateau-Mont-Royal borough and a representative from the business community.
The jury will evaluate projects that meet the eligibility criteria. Project evaluation criteria and their respective weighting factors are listed below:

Award conditions
Once the winners of the call for projects have been announced, an agreement will be drawn up between the project leaders and PME MTL Centre-Ville. In order to obtain the grant and prior to disbursement, the entrepreneur must:
– Have a commercial lease with a minimum (residual) term of 2 years, in the case of a rental, for a space or building located on Saint-Laurent Boulevard, between Sherbrooke Street and Laurier Avenue, and, if applicable, plan to open the business or carry out the commercial diversification project within 6 months of confirmation of the grant.
– Have the required certificate of occupancy from the borough, as well as all other permits required to operate the business
– Sign an agreement with PME MTL Centre-Ville specifying that if the business ceases its activities or transfers them outside its territory within 24 months of signing the agreement, the grant must be reimbursed in proportion to the remaining number of months until the end of this period
Documents required
– Complete, updated business plan (in French only)
– Two (2) year financial forecast based on the company’s fiscal year (in French only)
– Recent financial statements in the case of a commercial diversification project
– Duly signed commercial lease, with a minimum (residual) term of 2 years, for commercial premises located within the territory covered by the call for projects
– Curriculum vitae of shareholder(s)
– Certificate of occupancy, issued by the borough, for the activities planned by the business and any other required permits
– Valid certificate issued by Revenu Québec
– Valid Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) balance confirmation letter indicating a balance owing of $0
– Proof of shareholder(s) downpayment of 20% of total project value
– Any other document deemed necessary to support the application

Crédits photo : photography.freed / / JF_Savaria
Application form
To express your interest, please complete the form below: