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  • 4107


    Commercial space with an area of 1,530 square feet available for lease starting June 1, 2024. Net rent is $35 per square foot, and additional rent is $8.31 per square foot. The term is 5 years minimum. Moreover, this space is perfectly located on Saint-Laurent Boulevard, in the heart of the action, next to the popular [...]

  • 4119


    Office space for rent on the second floor of 4119 Saint-Laurent Boulevard. This 1,000-square-foot space is available for $1,500 per month plus taxes. Interior parking is available for one vehicle, and there is also access to the loading dock for moving purposes.  Do not hesitate to call at 514-844-0388 to schedule your visit!

  • 4266


    Commercial space available for lease now with an area of 1,800 square feet! The asking price is $35/sq.ft. plus taxes. For more information, contact Shawn Hanuseac at 514-531-7507 or by e-mail at

  • 3697


    Commercial space with an area of 2,700 square feet for rent. Excellent visibility thanks to its prime location on the Main, one of Montreal's main streets. Asking price is $5,300 per month. To schedule a visit, contact Marc Fugère at 514-900-9602 or by e-mail at

  • 3818


    Commercial space for rent on the Main, one of Montreal's main streets. This space has an area of 2,900 square feet, which is perfect for a retail store or service business. The asking price is $4,000 per month, taxes not included. Operating costs for this space are $555 per month. Don't hesitate to contact Steve [...]

  • 3822


    This commercial space is ideal for anyone wishing to set up on Saint-Laurent Boulevard. The space is 1,450 square feet and offers excellent visibility. Monthly rent is $5,800 + taxes, and operating costs are $1,635 per month. To plan a visit, contact Steve Gagné-Valdes at 514-240-3374 or by e-mail at You can also consult [...]

  • 3461


    This space for rent is ideal for a retail business or to install your offices. The available space has an area of 3,600 square feet and the asking price is $ 25 per square foot. Plan your next visit by contacting Sandro La Morgia at 514-892-1778.

  • 4060


    Unit 101 at 4060 Saint-Laurent Boulevard is currently available for lease. The unit is 700 ft² and the asking price is $1,700 per month plus taxes. Heating and electricity are included in the price. For more information, contact Gilles Dempsey at 514-829-6888.

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  • Are you an entrepreneur? Let us help you find your new local with this form.



    L’été sur le boulevard est une saison extraordinaire! Il y a des terrasses partout et tout le monde sort profiter du beau temps. Mais c’est encore mieux pendant le Festival MURAL! Le boulevard est fermé à la circulation automobile entre Sherbrooke et Mont-Royal pendant 11 jours (du jeudi du Grand Prix au dimanche de la semaine suivante)! De jour comme de soir, la rue est remplie de gens; certains viennent admirer les œuvres géantes, d’autres profitent d’aubaines et d’autres encore passent du bon temps sur une des (encore plus) nombreuses terrasses. L’édition 2015 du Festival MURAL – la troisième – a attiré plus de 1 150 000 visiteurs sur le site pendant les 11 jours. Ça en fait du monde qui découvre ou redécouvre des entreprises du boulevard Saint-Laurent. À la SDBSL, nous croyons beaucoup en ce festival et en la visibilité qu’il procure à nos membres. En fait, les chiffres parlent d’eux-mêmes. En plus de l’achalandage sur le site, la visibilité médiatique n’est pas négligeable. Ce sont plus de 200 publications (radio, télé, presse et blogue), dans une douzaine de pays qui ont rejoint un auditoire global de 161 000 000 personnes! C’est un impact beaucoup plus grand que celui qu’aurait une fermeture de rue traditionnelle. L’impact du Festival MURAL n’est pas la seule raison pour laquelle il est profitable d’ouvrir une entreprise sur le boulevard Saint-Laurent, mais devrait suffire à vous convaincre.



    This well-known breakfast restaurant on the Main is not only always full, but the owners are in the process of opening a second restaurant (with a totally different concept) on the boulevard! We met with Simon Rosson, one of two co-owners, to tell us about Bagel Etc’s history. Bagel Etc. is what can be considered as an institution on the Main. Open since 1983, when the Solomon couple purchased the old Cookie’s (on the right-hand side of the current local) and the antique shop (on the left side), this restaurant has served more breakfast meals than is possible to count. Simon has a long love story with this property. The fact that he lives just upstairs helps of course, but he became co-owner in 2012, after having worked there for almost 10 years. And before that, he was one of the regulars. Today, it’s he who tells us with a smile that most of their customers come to Bagel Etc. 2 to 3 times a week! Many of their biggest fans come from New York or Ontario and eat here every day during their stay! Of course, it’s not possible to speak about Bagel Etc.’s customers without mentioning Leonard Cohen, whose residence is practically on the opposite side, on St-Dominique. He’s not often in Montreal, but when he is, a good coffee awaits him every morning at Bagel Etc.